Class Photo

Class Photo

Thursday, April 23, 2015

ANZAC 2015

Room 19 are spending the next few weeks learning about WW1 and in particular Gallipoli. Here are a few photos from our ANZAC day service and a couple of special items children have brought to share.
Keep an eye out for our learning over the next few weeks.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Term 2 Newsletter

The Survival Guide for Room 19

 Term 2 2015

Welcome to term 2 – I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing break with family and friends. This term is an extremely busy one. I will endeavor to keep you updated on a weekly basis through your child’s homework sheet. Please remember we are now entering our winter term, children are no longer required to wear their school hat and must attend in full winter uniform.
Here are some key happenings in the Year 4 team:

Friday 24th April: Rugby Fun Day – Burnside 11.30-2.30pm
Monday 27th April: ANZAC Day observed.
Wednesday 29th April: School Cross Country.
Monday 4th May: Science Alive (at school)
Monday 25th & Tuesday 26th May: Art Gallery Lessons (at school)
Monday 22nd June – 28th June (Week 10) Book Week – please remember this will include our annual book character parade!
Tuesday 30th June: Year 4 Big Day Out: Wigram Air force Base
10-12.30pm (Parent help required)
Parent Teacher Interviews, Week 11:
Wednesday 1st July & Tuesday 2nd July.

School Curriculum:

In Literacy, we will be focusing on both Transactional (diary writing) and Report writing alongside our Electricity Inquiry.

Mathematics: The children will continue to be involved in a Math’s Interchange programme in Term 2.

Our initial Inquiry this term will be focussing on ANZAC. If you have any pictures of family members in army uniforms I would really appreciate a copy for the classroom!

Our second Inquiry focus for the term is ‘Electricity’ the Key Understandings we will be learning are as follows:
Electricity plays an essential role in everyday life.
That there are dangers associated with electricity and that we need to know how to stay safe.

That an electrical device will not work if there is no battery or there is a break in the circuit.
That some materials conduct electricity and others don’t (insulators)
That electricity comes from different sources.
That it is important not to waste energy.

Our class book exchange day is Monday – please ensure your child brings their book back after the weekend.

Homework expectations:
The children will have weekly spelling, basic facts and reading.  Each week I will send home a class notice.  I hope this will keep you up-to-date with what is happening in Room 19.  I would really appreciate a parent signature at the bottom of the note to let me know information and home learning is making it home!
Reading: Is the most important task to do every night at home.  A reading book for the week will be used at school.  The children are free to take this home and share it with you but my preference would be your child’s personal choice of reading material at home. The idea is that this is the time to practise fluent reading and that is should be fun.  As adults we choose to read easy material for our recreational reading and therefore this is the habit we are seeking to create.  It is time to practise using funny voices and expression and talk about what is happening in the story.
Maths: Please write in an average of 10 sums for your child to work on each night. These could include addition & subtraction alongside times tables.

Contacting Me
You are more than welcome to contact me via e-mail Please remember if you wish to discuss sensitive issues then after school by appointment is the easiest.  I have meetings after school every Monday & Wednesday but I am usually free any other day.

Please do feel free talk to me if you are unsure of anything related to the classroom or your child.

Kind regards

Kim Scadden